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My reason for composing poetry is layered. In another word, manyandone. It is to lay down an understanding of myself as an artist and storyteller (words I find interchangeable for reasons I will enumerate at some point) for both myself and whatever audience the work finds, as well as to share the process of creation of my body of work 


A storyteller’s art is process. It is to, beginning with their very own breath, change the breath of their listeners by the variation of the flow of energy of their story. There are innumerable tools and paths by which to accomplish this.


As a homo sapien I understand myself better and increase the projective resonance, to borrow from Charles Olson, of my art when I understand the tools I have used and the path I have followed). It is to step out of my body and look at myself from a third person perspective; to understand myself as a whole greater than the sum of my parts; to understand the parts as wholes themselves; and to extend the parts of myself available to my own understanding.


It is also for fun.



The Lonely Hearts Show

Poems inspired by The Beatles album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

Postcard Fest '22

“Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life’s true delights.” - Iroh (Avatar: the Last Airbender)

Current Work

On suspension of disbelief

Suspension of disbelief - the temporary freezing of your standard logical framework, usually in order to appreciate (understand and...

Breaking light

what light from yonder window breaks? a fraction of light maybe unseen? hidden in gentle flakes falling o’er boston the precious...

4 things in my cabinet

leftover paint - the water we drink is our ancestors’ extras) bars of soap - each day we scrub ourselves further from the dirt) alien...

Notes on Olson's Projective Verse

My purpose for rewriting Olson’s Projective Verse essay is twofold. One, to make it an inclusive essay as opposed to exclusive. Two is to...

I wanted

to be the dog but the dog was too busy being the dog I wanted to be the city but the city was busy being all those lights and...

Leech Wave

When Monkey stood in the center of the warehouse, it seemed like the building went on forever. He knew there were just a few rows of...

Blue Ooze

Brother was crawling. He was confused, but he needed to keep going. The idea of stopping made panic crawl over his skin. The tunnel was...

Avatar Yinwei

Chapter 1 Act 1 “Yep, that’s a little weird, Yinwei,” said Jianzo, her short, curly purple hair sticking out at odd angles. “You’re...

Brave Soldier Boy

Iroh and Zuko sat on a blanket atop a hill in the Spirit World, a picnic basket between them. One tree grew out of the crest of the hill,...


there is a silhouetted figure rough shape of an arched doorway holding its buttery light behind it I know a poem is done when I...

Luxury trap

"One of history’s few iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations.”-Yuval Noah Harari “Look at all...

I got a tiny bit of weed (pt. 2)

yesterday, I was sitting on a splintery bench in junction plaza park. I had smoked most of a joint from a box labeled ‘social’. I was...

Are they smiling?

banks were invented as a place or shared mental space to store wealth we cannot use well I could use it right about now most...

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