My reason for composing poetry is layered. In another word, manyandone. It is to lay down an understanding of myself as an artist and storyteller (words I find interchangeable for reasons I will enumerate at some point) for both myself and whatever audience the work finds, as well as to share the process of creation of my body of work
A storyteller’s art is process. It is to, beginning with their very own breath, change the breath of their listeners by the variation of the flow of energy of their story. There are innumerable tools and paths by which to accomplish this.
As a homo sapien I understand myself better and increase the projective resonance, to borrow from Charles Olson, of my art when I understand the tools I have used and the path I have followed). It is to step out of my body and look at myself from a third person perspective; to understand myself as a whole greater than the sum of my parts; to understand the parts as wholes themselves; and to extend the parts of myself available to my own understanding.
It is also for fun.